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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Part 2: Earn From Google No Investments: How it's Works?

Do you read News paper daily?
Have you noticed your newspaper filled with advertisements!You know very well that companies are paying for placing their advertisements on the News Paper. Because their ads are seen by News paper readers and those who are interested will go and buy. Similarly, companies are paying Google for showing their advertisements on Google Search Pages.

So how does this get money for us from google?
Google will place those advertisements on our website and when ever any visitor clicks on that advertisement, Google will get money from Company and Google will share that Money with us.

What advertisements will be placed in your website?
Simple, Google will place advertisements relevant to the contents of your web pages. So you have full control over the ads that you get , because the advertisements that Google place on your website matches to the contents of your website. 

Adsense for Content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content—ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful.

Adsense for Search allows website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

When a user searches the web or the site with the search box, Google share easy ad revenue it makes from those searches with the site owner. Revenue can also be generated if a user searches for a particular keyword, even if an advertisement isn't clicked.

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